Fox Searchlight

Creating a true studio environment, one that is young, dynamic and above all, creative.
Fox Searchlight
As part of the success of 20th Century Fox’s Searchlight division, a new youth division was established — Fox Atomic. The intent was to create an egalitarian work environment that would encourage creativity and idea sharing. After developing several ideas on how to foster these goals and achieve a space free of class distinctions, it was agreed that a band of private, identically sized offices would be created. Rendered in frosted glass, the offices allow light to enter the central work area. Common seating areas, in turn, are created in a modular fashion that can be reworked in a bullpen arrangement, fostering comradely as well as creativity. Exaggerated colors, an open ceiling plan, and the latest in work stations, all coalesce to create a true studio environment, one that is young, dynamic and above all, creative.‍